Posterior Onlays / Inlays

If your posterior teeth (the ones in the back of your mouth) suffer from dental decay, cavities, or other trauma, one of the best options is a posterior onlay or inlay-also known as a “partial crown”.

What Are Onlays and Inlays?

Similar to a tooth filling for cavities or other damage or decay inside of a tooth, when you have teeth in the back of your mouth that require restoration, it may be easier and more effective to place a partial crown rather than a full crown. Inlays and onlays will restore the tooth to its natural state. The type you get depends on how much of the tooth needs to be restored.

Inlays are used when only the interior of the tooth is damaged and will fit within the grooves of the biting surface. Onlays are used when the interior of the tooth and one or more of the points of the tooth (also called “cuspids”) must be replaced.

The Procedure

If you have damage or decay in your posterior teeth, our dental surgeons may recommend an inlay or onlay. If that is the case, we will numb your mouth, clean out the damage or decay, and shape the area of the tooth that will be replaced. Once clean, the dentist will take an impression of your teeth that we can use to craft a customized restoration to fit precisely in your mouth.

The inlay or onlay is made of durable material, shaped precisely to fit both the tooth that is damaged and to fit within your specific bite structure. Once in place, it is bonded to your tooth as a strong, permanent solution to protect against further damage to your teeth.

Why Use This Method?

Inlays and onlays are a great way to provide added protection to your posterior teeth, preventing decay or damage from spreading. These partial crowns are also crafted of a durable material that looks virtually identical to your natural teeth, fitting in as a seamless extension of your real teeth. Finally, inlays and onlays are gentle on opposing teeth, providing comfortable biting and chewing.

Posterior Onlays / Inlays provider in Scarborough

Schedule an appointment today to meet with our experienced dental surgeons at three convenient offices throughout the Greater Toronto Areas of Scarborough, Pickering, and North York, and find out whether posterior inlays or onlays are a solution for your dental needs.


Dr. Amir Awadalla Dr. Amir Awadalla
Dr. Mark Awadalla Dr. Mark Awadalla
Dr. Ashraf Awadalla Dr. Ashraf Awadalla
We are incredibly proud of our Esquire Dental Centres staff. We are here to help our patients appreciate everything about their smiles. Our priority is your satisfaction and trust in our abilities and knowledge. We have professionals in every discipline of dentistry who genuinely care about our patients. Our committed team of physicians comprises Dr. Ashraf Awadalla, Dr. Amir Awadalla, and Dr. Mark Awadalla. They are highly skilled and experienced dentists who are members of many professional organisations. They are here to help you with all your oral health needs in a friendly and comfortable setting.