Never underestimate the power of knowledge, especially when it comes to your health. Education is an important part of the services that we provide. When you visit any of our three locations in the greater Toronto area, we will help you develop mouth-healthy habits and effective oral hygiene. We will also clearly explain any problems we discover, or treatments that we recommend. However, you don’t have to wait until your next visit to start brushing up on oral health. We have provided these educational videos, free of charge, to empower you with the knowledge you need to make smart decisions regarding your oral health and dental care.
The 3 stages of gum disease are gingivitis, periodontitis, and advanced periodontitis. Gingivitis is caused by toxins irritating the gum line as a result of plaque buildup. Signs and symptoms of gingivitis can include swelling, sensitivity and bleeding of the gums during brushing and flossing. Gingivitis can be easily reversed through professional care and good home oral hygiene. Periodontitis is categorized by irreversible bone loss that results from untreated gingivitis. The Gums may begin to form a pocket below the gum line which traps food and plaque. Dental treatment and home care can help prevent from further damage but at this stage the results are not reversible.
Advanced Periodontitis is when the fibers and bones supporting the teeth are destroyed. This may cause teeth to shift or loosen; teeth may have to be removed depending on how advance the disease has become and if treatments are not effective. You can begin by preventing gum disease with good oral health. Pick up a brochure or ask your dentist today!
Dental implants are titanium roots that are replaced within the jaw bones to resemble a tooth or a group of teeth. A screw is inserted through the gums and into the jaw bone. A porcelain crown is then attached to the screw to become the new tooth or teeth. They can be used to support dental prestices including crowns, dentures and bridges. Today’s treatments are so natural looking no one will know you had surgery. There is approximately a 95 percent success rate for all implants. With modern advancements in dentistry some implants can be restored immediately with life like all porcelain crowns. For more details ask your dentist.
Veneers are thin hand crafted porcelain shields worn on the front of the tooth which improves the appearance of teeth that are chipped, cracked, stained or worn. Veneers are as thin as contact lenses and are an aesthetically pleasing option of closing gaps, lengthening teeth and providing symmetry to make your smile more natural. Veneers are intended to last for many years without changing colour. They are one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in dentistry. Ask your dentist if veneers maybe right for you.
Root canal therapy is a very common procedure. It has a reputation of being undesirable and painful but when done properly it is actually painless. Every tooth in your mouth is composed of a crown and a root. When a cavity or bacteria penetrates the tooth the root and its nerves become irritated.
As a result, the bacteria within the pulp cavity needs to be removed and cleaned in order to restore the tooth to its healthy state. Following the procedure the tooth is fragile and consequently is restored with a natural crown for a lifetime of durability. Root canals have a success rate of 95 percent or greater. Most root canals are diagnosed by patient’s sensitivities to a specific tooth. Be sure to consult your dentist if any symptoms or discomfort occur.
At a young age, our teeth are healthy and white but over time the enamel coating the tooth is slowly worn down, causing our teeth to become stained and yellow which is why teeth whitening is becoming increasingly popular today. There are a few methods for whitening – they include at home and in office. With in-office treatments you will see faster results, receive the safest treatments for bleaching the teeth and yield the whitest smile. So don’t settle for teeth that have become stained from years of coffee drinking, tobacco use or just ageing. Ask your dentist about whitening options that maybe right for you.