Dental emergencies can strike at any time. While you can’t foresee when they will happen, you can prepare in advance so you have a plan in place if and when they do occur. The first step is having the number of a trusted emergency dentist on hand so you know who to call when the need arises. At Esquire Dental Centres, we offer emergency dental care at our three convenient locations in Pickering, Scarborough, and North York, ON to help get you out of pain rapidly and back to your normal life. In addition, we provide preventive dental care services to help keep your smile healthy so you can avoid unexpected dental issues.
Why dental emergencies happen
Perhaps one of the only predictable thing about life is that the unpredictable will inevitably happen! However, when it comes to dental emergencies, there are some things you can do to avoid many of them. Good oral hygiene—brushing at least twice per day, flossing daily, and seeing your dentist regularly for routine cleanings and exams—can go a long way towards preventing unexpected pain and problems in your teeth and gums. With regular check-ups, we can often detect problematic issues when they are in their earliest stages and easily treatable before they become a true emergency.
However, even the most diligent patients can experience dental emergencies in the following types of scenarios, among others:
- Accidentally biting into something hard, which can break or fracture teeth
- Being hit in the face by a ball, sports equipment, or another play during games or contact sports while not wearing a mouthguard
- Falling down or other accidents that cause injuries to the mouth
What to do in a dental emergency
If you or a member of your family is suffering from a dental emergency, the first thing you should do is call us. We will listen to the issue and find the soonest time for you to come in to the office for treatment, as well as give you advice on what to do to manage the issue until you are able to see us. In many cases, we can save your natural tooth, even if it has been knocked out!
- If a tooth has been completely knocked out, gently rinse it with warm water and then try to place it back in its socket; if that is not possible, place it in a sterile cup filled with milk
- If a tooth has broken, keep the pieces if you can find them and bring them in to the office
- If you are in pain, using cold compresses on the area and over-the-counter pain relievers can help keep you comfortable until we can treat the issue
Importantly, if you are experiencing uncontrolled bleeding, a fractured bone, or extreme swelling, you should visit your nearest emergency medical professional rather than a dentist.
We offer emergency dental care at all three of our offices so that you can get care close to work or home when you need it. Our Pickering office can be reached at 905 250-1605, and our Scarborough and North York offices can be reached at 416 203-1434 and 416 223-7869, respectively.
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