Dental emergency services in Pickering end pain and protect oral health

The very term “dental emergency” sounds very pressing. Most people envision a dental emergency as a situation in which a tooth may have been dislodged or knocked out. In reality, most urgent dental situations are far simpler, by comparison.

Dr. Amir Awadalla at Esquire Dental Center, Dental Emergency Services

What happens to send most people to their dentist for urgent care is a toothache, a problem most would not typically consider an emergency, at least until it happens to them. There are several reasons a tooth may develop an unrelenting ache. Perhaps a fracture has occurred, or a small cavity has enlarged, leading to infection close to the tooth’s nerves. Whether you have experienced pain in a tooth or gums, bleeding, swelling and discomfort, a broken tooth or a lost restoration, you gain peace of mind when you know where you can turn for your dental emergency. Esquire Dental Centres offers outstanding services in Pickering, North York, and Scarborough, serving the Greater Toronto area.

Our team has extensive training and experience treating an expansive variety of dental concerns. We understand that, when you are in pain, you want to be treated with the utmost empathy and gentleness, quickly returned to comfort and better oral health.

The obvious goal in emergency dental care is the elimination of pain. To do this, however, your dentist’s priority is on finding and resolving the source of pain. If tooth pain is treated at home with pain relievers, the underlying problem is not addressed and tooth pain will return, probably more intensely than before. Without proper care, a small dental problem causing minor pain can lead to extensive damage affecting the tooth’s root and even bone tissue. Your best bet in preserving healthy teeth and gums is to schedule a visit with your dentist at the first sign of pain.

In order to keep teeth and gums in their healthiest condition, routine dental care is crucial. Through basic care and education, we empower our patients to minimize their risk of uncomfortable dental problems. Early care for minor problems is quick, comfortable, and less costly than the results of waiting to see if pain will clear on its own.

Don’t let pain affect your urge to smile. Contact Esquire Dental Centres to schedule your routine dental exam and cleaning.


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Dr. Amir Awadalla Dr. Amir Awadalla
Dr. Mark Awadalla Dr. Mark Awadalla
Dr. Ashraf Awadalla Dr. Ashraf Awadalla
We are incredibly proud of our Esquire Dental Centres staff. We are here to help our patients appreciate everything about their smiles. Our priority is your satisfaction and trust in our abilities and knowledge. We have professionals in every discipline of dentistry who genuinely care about our patients. Our committed team of physicians comprises Dr. Ashraf Awadalla, Dr. Amir Awadalla, and Dr. Mark Awadalla. They are highly skilled and experienced dentists who are members of many professional organisations. They are here to help you with all your oral health needs in a friendly and comfortable setting.